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two faces made from the starry night sky facing each other talking about love

Break the Spell

You ARE the Love of your Life.

We ARE Love. We are made of Love, from Love.

Let's discover all the programs that lead you away from that truth and Break the Spell.


Eat the Apple and fall into unconsciousness that requires "true love's kiss" to awaken...(a kiss without consent for that matter!)


There is so much manipulative programming in this world surrounding Love. All of it pointing to a "savior" that will rescue us.


What if WE are the Savior?

What if we could unhook from these programs that keep us looking outside of ourselves for Love?

Hint- We Can!


Join me for mini course where we will journey to find where these programmed beliefs live in our body and Break the Spell!

In this 1 hour mini course, we will discover the root cord of our love program and "reprogram" it back to our original operating system - our Infinite Heart.


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